Where Quality Meets Your Home
Huilerie Celeste du Burkina (HCB) stands as a testament to Burkina Faso's commitment to quality and innovation in the agribusiness sector. Established in 2016, HCB has been a pioneer in the production of high-quality cottonseed cooking oil, cattle-cake, and soap. Rooted in the heart of Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, HCB embodies our unwavering dedication to creating products that elevate lives and communities.
Endless Possibilities
Cottonseed Cooking Oil
At HCB, we’re committed to continued growth and positive impact. We’re diversifying our product line, expanding into new markets, embracing sustainability, engaging with our community, and investing in technological advancements. Additionally, we’re proud to have already built schools that are contributing to education and community well-being, and we’ll continue to support such initiatives. Our vision is to transform agriculture, uplift lives, and make a difference in Burkina Faso and beyond.

Our Awards
SODIMA has been honored with various awards and accolades over the years, primarily in the categories of Business, Quality, and Humanitarian.